The Golding Deal

Anyway I am asked by a certain popular West Indian newspaper to take and send them a number of photos capturing the essence of his visit. No problem, I was going to attend at least the townhall meeting, but now I will just get up early and attend the Business Leaders Breakfast also. I go dutifully to both events, shoot some nice shots of Golding, his finance minister - Audley Shaw, others in his posse, and the NCB top dogs that came along with him begging for our ATL dollars. There are a few amateurs on hand also shooting which is quite normal for big events. No problem, they can do their thing so long as they don't get in my way.
I go home after the Townhall meeting, get a phone call from the newspaper's head cook and bottle washer saying she wants the photos ASAP because the publishing deadline is approaching fast. No problem. I edit/clean up, email them out. No response for two days. I call making sure all is well, she says they are arranging the article and choosing pictures as we speak. No problem. I wait another two to three days. No response. I say okay I will simply go and buy the paper and see exactly what is going on as it should be hitting the streets about now. The article on Bruce's visit is there. The front page has an OLD picture of Mr Golding. Not one of mine, an old picture they probably used some time ago. The article continues on page 3; there I find a picture taken during the Golding visit, with about 10 Atlanta dignitaries and the Golding posse in it. NOT ONE OF MINE. Now this could have been a good photograph. It was nicely composed, BUT you can't make out a single face in the picture. NOT EVEN ONE! Too much lighting, no where near enough contrast. She opts for an old picture on the front and an amateur's piece of GARBAGE for the inside. All of that sacrifice just to get out of paying my already heavily discounted rate for my photography.
I was really disappointed in them. No wonder the paper is struggling and has half the amount of pages it had five years ago. Me nah seh nuttin else. Life goes on for me, I won't slowly run my little business into the ground just to save a buck or two.
That sucks big time. Next time you know what to do
The country nah run right fi real. Someone else need to give it a try.
Not even on of your photos! That really sucks. Hopefully you got paid anyway, else as Kami says you'll know what to do the next time they come calling.
Hey I'm still cetching my practice, so you can check out my photoblog.
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