Friday, November 11, 2005

Paint Ball Day

Had an office "Outing" today. Instead of dutifully reporting to our offices and cubicles we went to Pain, I mean Paint Ball. At first I was very skeptical. I thought this it would be a childish waste of time, and my plan was to humor them for about an hour or so and then find an excuse to try and cut out early.
I was quite wrong, that was the most fun I have had in years (well with those guys anyway). Tense!! But fun!! The Co2 guns shoot the little paint pellets really hard (they actually have a kick), and far too so that once you get out there you are having fun BUT you really don’t want to get shot! And the folks I work with are really very competitive! Not to mention there are a couple ex-marines in the group also. They took the games so seriously!
It was about 15 of us, we split into two teams, and battled each other on large fields (football size) with all sorts of contraptions that one could hide behind. They had refs and all. We "played" at least six or seven games. Once you were shot you would raise your gun in the air and be escorted off by a ref. The team with the last man, (or woman), standing won.
Ever seen "Private Ryan"? Even though it was all in fun it had this Private Ryan kind of feel to it. Sometimes you were pinned down surrounded by two or three of the enemy moving in closer and closer to you, most of the time you just stick you gun out and shoot without even looking because you don’t want to get hit. Did I mention that those balls REALLY hurt? We had to wear protective masks while fighting and always point the gun down with the safety on once out of the game.
Had a good time, had a surprisingly good time! Didn’t get a chance to really get the boss good though as she was always on my team.


Blogger Mad Bull said...

Your boss is smart! She prolly knew you were out to get her and arranged it like that. I'd like to try that out, I have a bredrin here who told me about it, and yeah, he did talk about the pain of the paint gun.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Abeni said...

A friend of mine played that once and he wa sin pain for days.Not me and paintball

10:47 AM  
Blogger Deelze said...

A ex-co-worker told me about it...he plays upstate on occasion I would love to play!

Sounds like you had fun.


5:51 PM  

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