Saturday, September 24, 2005

This place Atlanta

This place Atlanta. It has changed so much since the late 80's when I first stepped off that Air Jamaica jet from Kingston. From under 2 million to almost 5 million people for starters. From a small West Indain population of a few thousand to to over 100,000 of us now. Most of which are New York and other northeast transplants of course. From seeing Toni Braxton going around begging for a recording contract to seeing her blow up big time (same for Ashanti), from seeing Lil' John being a go-for for So-So Def to becoming a rap super star, from seeing Ludacris be a go-for at the hip-hop local radio station and being constantly mocked by the on-air dj's, to seeing him blow up big too, and having those said dj's work for him. From only being able to get an Outkast cd to buy out of Andre's car trunk to seeing them eventually get super huge!
This metro area really just sprawls out almost endlessly. After 17+ years you learn to luv it. Hated it for the first 3 years, but after a while you just have to call where you end up home. You learn that its not where you are, but what you actually make of your situation that really counts. As you can see from above I have always been heavily into the local entertainment scene. Just luv music and putting on productions. Really haven't done much recently though. Family changes everything. Yes, got a wife & kid for 8+ years now. I guess the happy -go-lucky days are over. Anyway back to the Atl.; not many people that live here actually come from Georgia. Most (black, white, W/Indian, etc) come from up north (Yankee land). Also surprisingly most of the racial agitations black or white initiated, (not that there is much of it), comes from the northerners, especially the New Yorkers, both black and white. Southerners, I have learnt over the years, are some of the nicest, sweetest, and most pleasant people in this country. Fi real!! Especially the females! Should have married one, ended up with a Yardie. Anyway enough for one day.


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